Equita Member Firm Spotlight: Mindy McCubbin Of Truman Wealth Advisors

Mindy McCubbin, founder and owner of Truman Wealth Advisors in Columbia, Missouri, joined Equita Financial Network in 2019 after learning about the platform at an FPA conference. Mindy, intrigued by the resources Equita offered, was the very first independent financial advisor to join Equita alongside co-founders Bridget Venus Grimes and Katie Burke.

Two years later, we checked in with Mindy to see how Equita has made it possible to achieve certain goals and continue to grow her practice.

How has Equita helped you achieve your goals?

Mindy McCubbin: One of my goals from the start was that I wanted to really accelerate my practice, get clients on board, and grow my assets under management very quickly without having to slow down my own growth because I didn’t have the necessary systems or processes in place. One way that Equita has helped me to acquire new clients is by freeing up time for me to focus on things like content marketing, writing, doing a newsletter for clients, etc., instead of spending all of my energy and time thinking ‘how am I going to go figure out how to get E&O insurance’ or ‘what should I do from a compliance perspective for this particular issue.’ I now feel like I have a resource that can help me understand what I really need to do in those areas so that I can focus on what I truly love to do, which is business development and pursuing new clients that I know are a good fit for my firm.

How specifically has Equita helped you to prospect and serve new clients?

Mindy McCubbin: One way that Equita has really helped me to prospect and serve new clients is by providing me with a network to fall back on. For example, I have a few clients that are widows – they were people in my geographic location that were a good fit for who I wanted to serve – but I wasn’t as experienced with widows as I could have been. Luckily, I was able to hop on a phone call with Kim Spencer, who is also on the platform and has more experience serving widows, and she really helped me to understand what that was like to work with someone who has recently been widowed by sharing her experience and perspective.

Any advice for women thinking about going solo as an advisor?

Mindy McCubbin: For any female practitioners who are considering taking the leap and going solo, I encourage some serious thought as to whether or not entrepreneurship is the right path for you. I have had to have discipline around my schedule, around how I structure my day and spend my time, etc. Prior to founding Truman, I was used to the corporate environment and having to go to an office, and now I work from my home and have much more flexibility with my schedule. You really need to have that entrepreneur mentality, which is great because at Equita you are surrounded by women who fit that mold and that’s what they do every day. Being a part of a like-minded group has been extraordinarily helpful for me.

Interested in Joining The Equita Platform? Reach Out to Us Today 

We launched Equita specifically with the intention of making it easy for women to run their own firms and be successful at it. If you want to bring your firm to the next level while maintaining your autonomous brand, reach out to Equita today.

Privacy Notice

We recognize the importance of protecting our clients’ privacy. We have policies to maintain the confidentiality and security of your nonpublic personal information. The following is designed to help you understand what information we collect from you and how we use that information to serve your account.

Categories of Information We May Collect

In the normal course of business, we may collect the following types of information:

  • Information you provide in the subscription documents and other forms (including name, address, social security number, date of birth, income and other financial-related information); and
  • Data about your transactions with us (such as the types of investments you have made and your account status).

How We Use Your Information That We Collect

Any and all nonpublic personal information that we receive with respect to our clients who are natural persons is not shared with nonaffiliated third parties which are not service providers to us without prior notice to, and consent of, such clients, unless otherwise required by law. In the normal course of business, we may disclose the kinds of nonpublic personal information listed above to nonaffiliated third-party service providers involved in servicing and administering products and services on our behalf. Our service providers include, but are not limited to, our administrator, our auditors and our legal advisor. Additionally, we may disclose such nonpublic personal information as required by law (such as to respond to a subpoena) or to satisfy a request from a regulator and/or to prevent fraud. Without limiting the foregoing, we may disclose nonpublic personal information about you to governmental entities and others in connection with meeting our obligations to prevent money laundering including, without limitation, the disclosure that may be required by the Uniting and Strengthening America Act by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT) Act of 2001 and the regulations promulgated thereunder. In addition, if we choose to dispose of our clients’ nonpublic personal information that we are not legally bound to maintain, we will do so in a manner that reasonably protects such information from unauthorized access. The same privacy policy also applies to former clients who are natural persons.

Confidentiality and Security

We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about our clients to those employees and agents who need to know that information to provide products and services to our clients. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect our clients’ nonpublic personal information. We respect and value that you have entrusted us with your private financial information, and we will work diligently to maintain that trust. We are committed to preserving that trust by respecting your privacy as provided herein.